Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli on Sunday after his resignation to parliament today. The ruling parties support one after another to withdraw their motion to vote in favor of the decision to resign after Oli attitudes are reached. He does not feel compelled to face no-confidence motion UML sources told.
House, Prime Minister KP Oli discussed above proposal during distrust President Bhandari binding expression of her own. For the first test, the first test of the president's fire. He dinchina easy exit out of the noise, as the Supreme Court opinion or ask for estimation of the mood in the morning, such as meeting with the two leaders, he has given expression to refute.Surprisingly, chairman of the president of UCPN-center again is another terror continued. Republic Nepal's first President Dr. Ram Baran Yadav Rukmangad Katwal severe government action back it had been forced to leave their terror continued. Republic Nepal's first prime minister, the parliament received the most votes and the party leader Prachanda, the latter would not be forgotten.

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